200dollars.ca initiative encouraging Ontarians to donate $200 Government rebate
The 200dollars.ca initiative is a non-partisan project encouraging Ontarians to donate the $200 you'll be receiving from the *Ontario Government to support organizations making a real difference in our communities. You make your contribution directly to Village of Hope Niagara, through our donation platform villageofhopeniagara.org. You can pledge your donation and learn more about this project here https://200dollars.ca/
This year, we’re inviting you to help Be The Difference by donating your $200 to Village of Hope Niagara. Your donation will help provide our essential services to our neighbours in Lincoln throughout the year.
It takes a Village... serving our community of Lincoln!
Donate your $200 to us today through https://villageofhopeniagara.org or Pledge to Village of Hope Niagara https://200dollars.ca/pledge-your-donation/
* https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1005241/ontario-providing-taxpayers-with-200-rebate
#200Ontario #donatetogether #ontariogivesback
We are community/donor-supported, volunteer-centred, proudly local, and a nationally recognized organization with Charitable Registration Number 835825399RR0001 – Receipts are issued for tax-deductible donations.